Perfume History and Culture Series
Ongoing, with Dana El Masri


Dana El Masri’s perfume history and culture classes explore the genealogy of perfumery, and present a chance to explore perfume history through direct experience: Smelling the trajectory of a category in fine fragrance.

Each session starts with an overview of the material, after which Dana shares a brief history and the cultural impact of the covered materials, as well as technical information such as extraction methods and countries of origin. The class then examines the classic, contemporary, mass market and niche applications of these materials by looking at (and smelling) important perfumes.

In the Perfumer Spotlight sessions, Dana explores an individual perfumer’s unique signature, and how they impacted fine fragrance as we know it today. The spotlight accomplishes this by smelling samples of their work, and discussing the materials and techniques they are drawn to.







The Perfume History and Culture classes are recurring bi-monthly in-person classes taught by Dana El Masri.

Good for: Everyone
Requirements: No previous experience required.
Materials: No materials required.
Instructor: Dana El Masri

Topics covered:

+ History and cultural impact of perfume materials
+ Technical information about perfume materials
+ Knowledge and experience with perfumery exercises
+ Overview of these materials in classic, contemporary, mass market, and niche perfumery

Take-Aways: Participants will leave with a greater understanding of the genealogy and trajectory of modern perfume styles and types.

Note: This class focusses on smelling, and historic perfumers and materials are presented and discussed in each session.