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Event Series Event Series: Perfume Intensives

Experimental Work with Scent

March 24 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT


Sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experimental-work-with-scent-tickets-1118970373509?aff=oddtdtcreator

Led by Saskia Wilson-Brown, founder of The Institute for Art and Olfaction, this course will provide an overview of perfumery that introduces the technical and foundational information you’ll need for your practice. Starting with important global social context, the class will go on to cover fragrance families and taxonomies, materials of natural and synthetic origin, diluents, blending techniques, and the basics for a safe and happy practice.

Importantly, we’ll do the hard, fun work of smelling. As a group, we’ll discuss each material in the kit through an intensive process of sensorial evaluation. Finally, we’ll create several introductory perfume formulas, and gain an understanding of how to expand our practices from there.

We’ll wrap up the course with a glimpse into how artists and experimental practitioners are using scent in their work, beyond the bottle. Get your noses ready and let’s explore the challenging, technical, and magical world of experimental perfumery.

This is an interactive, small-group seminar that meets over Zoom. Students may be encouraged to participate in discussions, work on assignments outside of class, and workshop projects with their instructor or classmates. Due to the interactive nature of this course, we strongly recommend students attend as many live sessions as possible. Within 72 hours after each session meets, students will receive access to a recording of the live session, which they can watch for a week after the course concludes.

Class 1: March 24 – Introductions and lab basics
Class 2: March 31 – Smelling session and introduction to formulating
Class 3: April 7 – Advanced lab work, experimental practices, next steps

Between classes:
There is homework between each class, that is required. This homework will take between 1 – 2 hours/ week.

Materials needed:

This course requires the purchase of a materials kit, which you can find here: https://shop.perfumersapprentice.com/p-10872.aspx?searchEngineName=iao-experimental-work-with-scent-course-kit

Addition materials are recommended, for newcomers to the practice:

Experimental Work with Scent


When you sign up for a class or event at the IAO, you will receive an Eventbrite confirmation email which contains important information, such as materials lists or preparation instructions. Please be sure to scroll down in the email, so you see those instructions.

For online classes, you will receive the Zoom log-in information approximately 12 – 24 hours before each session begins. To avoid this going to spam, add hello@artandolfaction.com to your address book. Our online classes are recorded, and the video is available to registered attendees for 7 days after the class takes place. Because the class is recorded and can be viewed later, we do not provide refunds or transfers for online classes.

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