Cat Jones
In residence at IAO
April, 2015


Australian interdisciplinary artist Cat Jones is IN-LAB at The Institute for Art and Olfaction, for the month of April 2015.

CatJones_2After using scent in several recent artworks, Cat is researching olfaction and the creation and delivery of bespoke scents for use in immersive performance experiences. This exploration follows her previous investigations into plant signalling and following expansion into human perception.

She is currently developing a new work, Somatic Drifts that explores identity transgression, trans-human and inter-species empathy using visual-tactile feedback and scent.

Cat Jones’ residency included a public talk for members of the IAO community. This talk took the form of a community interaction, that factors into her research programme.




Cat Jones is an interdisciplinary artist, performer, writer and curator. Her work investigates concepts of human and inter-species empathy, sexual and gender politics through the subversion of social constructs, science and history. She practises across forms that include performance, media, audio, text, site and installation. She is especially interested in one-to-one performance and the audience psychology of immersive experiences.

DSC00014Following her Creative Australia Fellowship in 2012-2013 to research plant signalling, the history of women in botany, and human plant relationships she is currently researching use of body illusions in live art through neuroscience with the support of ANAT Synapse residency. Her most recent works have been presented at Sydney Art Month; Proximity Festival, Perth and Fremantle; Adhocracy, Adelaide; Wired Lab, Muttama; point b, New York; and psi19, Stanford.

Cat has a BA-Drama, Acting (QUT) and has created, collaborated or performed with experimental artists including Chicks on Speed, The League of Imaginary Scientists (USA), pvi collective (WA), Blast Theory (UK), Experimenta (AUS), The Party Line (NSW) and many others. She was previously Artistic Director of PACT Centre for Emerging Artists, Sydney and a Co-director of Electrofringe international festival of electronic arts and culture.

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.