Gentle readers beware. Our February newsletter warrants no introduction. It does, however, warrant three apologies.
January, 2017: Pigeon’s Eye View
December, 2016: What Will The Future Bring?
November, 2016: Election Day in America
October, 2016: We Interrupt this Broadcast
September, 2016: Me up at does
July, 2016: Eclectic Ephemera
April, 2016: NSFW (True Story)
February, 2016: Riddle Me This

The big news this month is that we are teaming up with Hammer Museum to present AIX Scent Fair – the first international artisan, independent, experimental scent fair to be presented by a contemporary art museum. It all happens May 6–8, 2016 at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles – and applications to participate are due Feb 8!