Gentle readers beware. Our February newsletter warrants no introduction. It does, however, warrant three apologies.
January, 2017: Pigeon’s Eye View
A message from IAO director, Saskia Wilson-Brown
December, 2016: What Will The Future Bring?
We keep hearing this question, and we want to help!
November, 2016: Election Day in America
“Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
October, 2016: We Interrupt this Broadcast
Can you bloody BELIEVE that it’s time to start preparing your submission for the Art and Olfaction Awards, again? Heck, we’ve barely recovered from our last event.
September, 2016: Me up at does
e.e. cummings said it best.
July, 2016: Eclectic Ephemera
Voltaire’s Sirian giant Micromégas comes across a battalion of humans at war, and finds himself shocked at the barbarity of what he sees. He asks a philosopher: What is going on, here?
April, 2016: NSFW (True Story)
He smelled like stale cigarettes, unwashed teenage armpits and a strident, neon cologne – the kind the desperately poor might buy at Boots and spray onto badly washed clothes before a job interview. Moral of the story?
February, 2016: Riddle Me This
The big news this month is that we are teaming up with Hammer Museum to present AIX Scent Fair – the first international artisan, independent, experimental scent fair to be presented by a contemporary art museum. It all happens May 6–8, 2016 at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles – and applications to participate are due Feb 8!