IAO director Saskia Wilson-Brown recently visited Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In her ongoing quest to visit every botanical garden, she took a moment to check out the Benjamin Rush Botanical Gardens at the Mütter Museum, tended by the oldest private medical society in the United States: the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Here is her report from the field!
Field Notes from Virginia: The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum
Field Notes from Iceland: Fischersund
Field Notes from Qatar: Perfume Museum by Reem Abu Issa
Field Notes from Qatar: Qur’anic Botanic Gardens
April, 2019: Rhetorical Trickery

When we describe something in English, the ordering of our adjectives is very important. It goes something like this: Opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose and – finally – noun. Thus “comely contemporary Cuban counterfeit cologne” sounds more appealing, say, than “pirated Peruvian present-day pretty perfume”. Alliteration, of course, adds the spice.
Redheads, beware

In June 2018, IAO founder Saskia Wilson-Brown gave a talk at the World Perfumery Congress about a new initiative exploring alternatives for current IP structures as they relate to historic and independent perfumery. Here are the slides and Saskia’s presenter notes, shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License