In this online class, perfumer Ashley Eden Kessler teaches perfume composition with an exploration of an dusty, echoey, resinous old church incense accord.
Artist-led Open Hours: The Water and the Wind, by Arianna Petrich
Join us for artist-led open hours of The Water and the Wind, a solo exhibition of photographic work by Arianna Petrich.
On View: The Water and the Wind (in person)
Artist Ariana Petrich joins IAO Gallery for a solo exhibition of her photographic work documenting Incense Craft in Awaji, Japan. On view through October 25.
An Ancient Greek Story About Smell and Animal Sacrifice
Philosopher and poet Empedocles (492 – 432 BC) – to whom we attribute among other things the first conception of the elemental theory of matter (earth, air, fire, water) – was a Pythagorean, and therefore morally opposed to eating or harming animals. He believed animal sacrifice to be a diabolical injustice, even if done in the service of the gods.